Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I called my dr on monday because I wanted to start taking my ol' trusty ripped fuel. I love that stuff. It gives me so much energy, burns my fat, and I always get stuff done when i am taking it. It has side effects of course but do i care...not really...maybe a little, but not enough not to take it. However i am also taking Welbutrin so i wasnt sure what the side effects would be with the combination of the 2 would be so i called. Naturally the doc said no, but not only because it can cause arithmia but it can increase the side effects of the welbutrin. THAT is why I am not going to take it. i cannot afford to have to work any harder than i have to for satisfaction in the bedroom. not going to happen. So i asked the nurse if the doc recomended anything i could take. Doc said no, but there are some other avenues i could take. I explained to hei that i have gained almost 10 lbs in the last month and i am going to the gym 3 days a week. I am eating healthy. yadda yadda yadda. The nurse agrees that that is really weird, so they ordered a metabolic screening and thyroid test. He then explained to me that there is what they call "the eielson 35". which means in the last 5 years people have gained an average of 35 LBS in their first year at this base. I am very familier with this theory, because i refused to be one of those people. When i got to this base i was 164 if i gained the eielson 35 that would have put me at almost 200 lbs. OMG no way. Last summer i got down to 125 YAY, id love to be there again. so hopefully we can find out what the heck the problem is. No body wants a Fat personal trainer LOL

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Monday, February 8, 2010

damnit!!! i weighed in today and i gaoned almost a pound!!

EBF measured me

arn 12
thigh 23
waist 31
hips 39.5


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Saturday, February 6, 2010


I want to get on the scale soooooooo sooooo soooo bad!!!! but i have to wait till monday because i want to weigh on the scale at the gym (that is 3 LBS heavy). So i can have an accurate gauge. DAMNIT!
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Friday, February 5, 2010

Okey dokey, so end of week one at the gym. I went all 3 days, 30 min of cardio and 6 lifting exercises a day.
I went alone on monday. However wednesday and today (friday) I got to go with EBF (eielson best friend). She and i have basicly the same bodtype. She is a bit taller than me. It is nice to have an accountibility partner, that is for sure. She also shares my love for the burn and the day after pain. I was a little cdoncerned because i am one odd girl to love muscle pain, but apparently she is just as odd as i am. HAHA. Anywho Our Gym got rid of my favorite machine, the tred-climber. I amreally sad about it because i useally use it on fridays. I work legs on friday so i dont want to run really hard. The tred climber burns just as many calories and gets my heart rate up without overexursion on my leg muscles. I guess ill have to deal with that. I ate super-de-duper clean this week, with the exception of today when i got myself a wopper jr and fries (not all of the fries). It was super good but not as great as i envisioned but good nonetheless. My children still can't find my body tape. so we are going to look for it this weekend, so i can measure monday.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lifty lift lifty

So I decided it was time to hit the gym, the real gym~ not the videos in my house, Because honestly I hate them! they work~true. do i see results when i do 30 day shred?~ absolutely, almost instantly as a matter of fact. However i hate doing it. So I enrolled my children in part day pre-school Monday wednesday and friday 8:30-11:30. Yesterday was day 1. 8:30 drop off and off i went to the gym. I was supposed to have a workout buddy but she kind of bailed due to a cut on her finger. But did i let that discourage me? HELL to the NO. I did 30 min of interval training and lifted free weights. Mondays are Chest and Triceps. I did 3 sets of 20 reps on the chest press and peck deck(pectoral flys) for my chest. For my Tris i did 3 sets of 20 reps Tri press downs and overhead tricep presses. I also did 60 bench dips (AHHHH i hate those) and 30 push ups. Inbetween sets i did 6 sets of 20 crunches (total). I came home and ate a half of a burger.

it is awesome---->>>

For a snack i had an apple with peanut butter (one of my fav snacks). I love my pampered chef apple wedger, if you dont have one GET ONE, Anywho. For dinner I had margarita chicken, brown rice and broccoli. Yummy!
After dinner I fell asleep (while hubbs cleaned the kitchen) When i woke up i had a snack...i probaly shouldnt have but i was soooo hungry. So i ate club crackers and cheese. No processed food for this chickie :). Today is my rest day so i did some yoga. I will be selling that video. It hurts my hips...sad...i just bought it. oh well i guess that is how you learn LOL.

I am super sore today...Owwwwiiiiieeeee

I love it :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the scale says...

130...But that might be more accurate than last weeks 135, since aunt flow was in town. Maybe i did lose 5 lbs in a week, but i highly doubt since i did have an 11pm cup of noodle (of which i only ate half) and That christmas candy that is STILL sitting on my counter. Please someone tell me why i decided to but 6 bags of quick sale dove chocolate the day after christmas, when i knew i was going back to eating healthy on the 1st of January? Cant resist a sale i guess. im weak. LOL. I have decided that since the hubbs is gone for the week, i will drop meets and processed foods out of my diet, Just to see where that takes me. Hopefully down to 120! hahaha a girl can dream right! I really have to watch my intake this week, because i will not be going to my muscle pump classes (tues and thurs) since i Have no one to watch the twinkies.

There will deffinatly be no outside activity since it has been 40+ degrees in the NEGITIVE!!! Tredmill and workout videos just dont do it for me, I love the Gym, I love weights I love being there with my headphones on sweating and loving it. No kids to say "mommy, mommy momma, mom, mommy, ma?" Just me, and I love it. So this last week i decided i know what i want to be when i grow up. Yup, you guessed it...or did you? LOL A personal trainer, but first i am going to finish school to be a Nutritionist. What a perfect qualification to add to my resume as a trainer, right! YAYA

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back in the saddle

Hey ALL YOU FOLLOWERS!! lol. A lot has happened since my last post, but you can read about that here -> I have decided that i am going to get back on this weight loss fitness thing. I started Weight Watchers again on the first and started working out on monday, this is day 3 and i feel great ( i HATE the tredmill, but other than that) Monday I did my 30 day shred, tuesday i did a muscle pump class and today I did 25 min on the tredmill. Not much, i know. Baby Steps, i guess. :) I guess ill go get my tape and measure.

Love handles 35.5 in
thighs 22 in
booty booty booty rocking everywhere 39 in
arms 11.5
Boobies 35.5

5'3" 135lbs

Goal is still 115 or Bikini beautiful!