Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I called my dr on monday because I wanted to start taking my ol' trusty ripped fuel. I love that stuff. It gives me so much energy, burns my fat, and I always get stuff done when i am taking it. It has side effects of course but do i care...not really...maybe a little, but not enough not to take it. However i am also taking Welbutrin so i wasnt sure what the side effects would be with the combination of the 2 would be so i called. Naturally the doc said no, but not only because it can cause arithmia but it can increase the side effects of the welbutrin. THAT is why I am not going to take it. i cannot afford to have to work any harder than i have to for satisfaction in the bedroom. not going to happen. So i asked the nurse if the doc recomended anything i could take. Doc said no, but there are some other avenues i could take. I explained to hei that i have gained almost 10 lbs in the last month and i am going to the gym 3 days a week. I am eating healthy. yadda yadda yadda. The nurse agrees that that is really weird, so they ordered a metabolic screening and thyroid test. He then explained to me that there is what they call "the eielson 35". which means in the last 5 years people have gained an average of 35 LBS in their first year at this base. I am very familier with this theory, because i refused to be one of those people. When i got to this base i was 164 if i gained the eielson 35 that would have put me at almost 200 lbs. OMG no way. Last summer i got down to 125 YAY, id love to be there again. so hopefully we can find out what the heck the problem is. No body wants a Fat personal trainer LOL

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Monday, February 8, 2010

damnit!!! i weighed in today and i gaoned almost a pound!!

EBF measured me

arn 12
thigh 23
waist 31
hips 39.5


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Saturday, February 6, 2010


I want to get on the scale soooooooo sooooo soooo bad!!!! but i have to wait till monday because i want to weigh on the scale at the gym (that is 3 LBS heavy). So i can have an accurate gauge. DAMNIT!
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Friday, February 5, 2010

Okey dokey, so end of week one at the gym. I went all 3 days, 30 min of cardio and 6 lifting exercises a day.
I went alone on monday. However wednesday and today (friday) I got to go with EBF (eielson best friend). She and i have basicly the same bodtype. She is a bit taller than me. It is nice to have an accountibility partner, that is for sure. She also shares my love for the burn and the day after pain. I was a little cdoncerned because i am one odd girl to love muscle pain, but apparently she is just as odd as i am. HAHA. Anywho Our Gym got rid of my favorite machine, the tred-climber. I amreally sad about it because i useally use it on fridays. I work legs on friday so i dont want to run really hard. The tred climber burns just as many calories and gets my heart rate up without overexursion on my leg muscles. I guess ill have to deal with that. I ate super-de-duper clean this week, with the exception of today when i got myself a wopper jr and fries (not all of the fries). It was super good but not as great as i envisioned but good nonetheless. My children still can't find my body tape. so we are going to look for it this weekend, so i can measure monday.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lifty lift lifty

So I decided it was time to hit the gym, the real gym~ not the videos in my house, Because honestly I hate them! they work~true. do i see results when i do 30 day shred?~ absolutely, almost instantly as a matter of fact. However i hate doing it. So I enrolled my children in part day pre-school Monday wednesday and friday 8:30-11:30. Yesterday was day 1. 8:30 drop off and off i went to the gym. I was supposed to have a workout buddy but she kind of bailed due to a cut on her finger. But did i let that discourage me? HELL to the NO. I did 30 min of interval training and lifted free weights. Mondays are Chest and Triceps. I did 3 sets of 20 reps on the chest press and peck deck(pectoral flys) for my chest. For my Tris i did 3 sets of 20 reps Tri press downs and overhead tricep presses. I also did 60 bench dips (AHHHH i hate those) and 30 push ups. Inbetween sets i did 6 sets of 20 crunches (total). I came home and ate a half of a burger.

it is awesome---->>>

For a snack i had an apple with peanut butter (one of my fav snacks). I love my pampered chef apple wedger, if you dont have one GET ONE, Anywho. For dinner I had margarita chicken, brown rice and broccoli. Yummy!
After dinner I fell asleep (while hubbs cleaned the kitchen) When i woke up i had a snack...i probaly shouldnt have but i was soooo hungry. So i ate club crackers and cheese. No processed food for this chickie :). Today is my rest day so i did some yoga. I will be selling that video. It hurts my hips...sad...i just bought it. oh well i guess that is how you learn LOL.

I am super sore today...Owwwwiiiiieeeee

I love it :)